What is Kanban?

The word Kanban comes from Japanese and can be translated as “card, label”. Kanban helps to streamline existing processes and prevent team overload. The Kanban system teaches organisations to better understand and visualise workflow in a way that continuously improves and achieves more efficient results.

Optimise your production too!

Save on storage costs with Kanban. It is a production management system based on low inventory levels in production and short delivery times. Kanban works on the basis of operating and reserve stocks.

  • Operating stocks are stored in boxes directly in the production area and are clearly labelled with a QR code label, which contains all the information including the internal designation of the item(s).
  • We keep the reserve inventory for you in our warehouse and continuously replenish it for production. This saves you money on rent and logistics.

At the beginning of our cooperation, we specify together the location of the shelves in your production according to your needs. Together, we select the goods to be placed in the kanban (shelving) and set the correct consumption so that it is efficiently covered and production is not compromised. We will also determine the filling quantities in the boxes, including the frequency of shipments.

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